Why ALP Protest Against VI CPC

Why ALP Protest Against VI CPC

Cartoons of ALP

Cartoons of ALP
from I to VI CPC

Sunday, September 6, 2009


A Questionnaire is given to be reply by us. This questionnaire is not adequate to get necessary information to arrive at any objective consideration therefore we furnish a detail information for your appreciation and to do justice.
Greatinjustice is done in VI Pay Commission for loco running staff and we want Rs.2800/- grade pay for ALP Rs.4200/- for LP (Shag.) Rs.4600/- LP (Goods), Rs.4800/- LP (Pass.), Rs.5600/- LP (M/E).
The rate of Kilometer age should be formulated based on Rs.210/- the rate of TA for ALPs and Rs.340/- for LPs Rs.30/- of mean pay of PB-I for ALP and P.B.II for LP’s as a pay element as recommended by the RAC 1980.
A part of pay i.e. 30% of pay is linked with the rate of kilometerage and the VI CPC report not effected from 01.10.2006. So the rate of K.meterage should be formulated based on well settled formula taking into the increased pay as on 01.01.2006 and arrears of increased rate of K.meterage from 01.01.2006 should be paid like wise O.T. arrears also.
Onerous duty allowances to be given to all loco running staff.
Our present working conditions are in human. Forced to work even 20 hrs. at stretch sufficient H/Q rest and P.R. are denied, CRs are not given. Duties are so strenuous without rest or relaxation.
HOER should be revised:- Declaring loco running staff as a intensive category and restrict duty to 6 hours at a stretch, to grant P.R. of one full calendar day in addition to normal H.Qtrs. rest, to grant daily OTA, limit continuous night duties to one night in a trip and two nights in a week.
While it may be prerogative of the Railway to decide the H.Qtrs. of Running Staff once such H.Qtrs. are established Crews should be invariably given relief at H.Qtrs. irrespective of duty hours. Crew by passing H.Qtrs. causes mentally agony and disturbance is a potential danger for safety and also health hazard. It is against the traditional HOER practices.
Due to increasing number of Goods trains, increased speed, lesser detention, introduction of automatic territories, high speed signals, doubling of lines, improved wagon turn around etc. Crew should be brought back to H.Qtrs. within 24 hrs. in normal course and 30 hrs. in emergency and “expression emergency” should not include staff shortages.

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