The Convener,
(Exe.Dir. Pay Commission-II, Railway Board),
Committee, Constituted by Ministry for Railways to Prioritize to issues
Pertaining to replacement pay structure.
We, the Asst. Loco Pilots of Indian Railways took this opportunity to draw the kind attention of the Committee on our grievance in respect to Pay structure and grade pay through this enclosed memorandum in addition to various memorandum which have been submitted on various occasions with a great hope of getting a fair deal and justice please.
Sir, the injustice which had been done by Vth CPC was corrected to some extent by the Government upgrading the pay scale with a view to restore the vertical and horizontal relativities of running staff with non running categories of course not fully, through faster track Committee, constituted by the Government on representations, but the ALP was completely ignored and subjected to injustice and this time too they have been completely ignored,, for which a serious dissatisfaction prevails. Even today the recommendation of 6th CPC for various categories been modified, upgraded by the Government. We therefore, have a great expectation from this Committee for restoring the historical vertical and horizontal relativity of our pay with other non-Running Staff and thus Justice will be done to us.
Sir, it is also not correct that the depression in our Pay stands to-day to 2 to 4% as a general conception developed in some of the officials of Railway Board but still it stands by 35 to 68%. Over and above this time too, you may please find from the enclosed chart that our pay was been further reduced in comparison to non-running staff after fixation of pay under VIth CPC. In addition you may please also find that hourly wage of running staff is less then the non-running staff who was in same pay scale in pre VIth CPC time which reject the idea of some of the people that Running Staff is well paid then others, in fact the Loco Running Staff have been further made victim of injustice on the question of rate of Running Allowance too, by not taking mean of pay and TA rate of Rs.210 for ALP which effects badly on their emolument hence, it is appropriate to revise the rate of running allowances two as demanded, through different representations.
Sir, the ALP feel themselves ignored, victim of injustice and very much discontented working under serious depression which is in fact no conducive for safe train operation. Sir, we may please not be misunderstood to refer their quantum of dissatisfaction and resentment which has been reflected through different programmes and in last through 6th Feb.,2009 Dharna programme in which about 8000 Loco Running Staff had participated maintaining the train’s movement.
We therefore request the committee to apply their mind judiciously into our case and restore the historical relativity, vertical and horizontal of Running Staff with other non-running staff in Pay and also restore the functional differences amongst Loco Pilots of different class by awarding different grade pay as suggested, along with awarding different grade pay as suggested, along with awarding the grade pay of Rs.2800/- to ALP for which they are eligible.
Hoping that Justice is given to us and we shall be obliged.
With thanks,
Yours faithfully,
Asst.Loco Pilots. Copy to:
The worst effected post in the cadre of Loco Running Staff is the Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP). They are equated with Assistant Guard, and both are in the same Pay Band and on same Grade pay of Rs.1900. Assistant Guard’s required qualification is to pass the 8th standard, no responsibility to ensure safety in train operation, no high medical standard required, no necessity to acquaint the sectionlocation of signals, troubles shooting of train etc. but only to see the loading and unloading of parcels. Whereas Assistant Loco Pilot’s entry qualification is ITI with preference to Diploma in Engineering, the medical standard is the highest which is class “Aye One” according to Para 510, 520 and 514 of Railway Medical Manual. But in pay package and even for retirement benefit they are equal. On recruitment the Assistant Loco Pilot have to go through a stringent psychology test to asses the quality of mechanical comprehension, trainability for rules and procedures, concentration, vigilance, safety and leadership quality.
The ability required to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot assessed by the Railway Recruitment Board as prescribed by the Railway Board are:-
1. Undertake the physical requirement of the position
2. Maintain vigilance and concentration particularly when coming out repetitive tiring or monotonous tasks.
3. React quickly in compliance with safety requirement, to changing situation.
4. Co-ordinate the use of controls operated by hand and foot necessary for safe train driving.
5. Use English to communicate clearly both orally and in writing, to convey safety messages.
6. Check and no to make assumption, even when it is more convenient to do so.
7. Retain and recall safety related information, including that which will only be used in emergencies.
8. Comply with procedures, rules and standards, particularly when unsupervised or under pressure of time.
9. Respond to emergency or other stressful situation calmly and when required direct others.
10. Work alone for long period, applying the appropriate competence standard at all times.
These are the minimum standard required to hold the post of Assistant Loco Pilot. There after under go a 9 months initial training as prescribed by the railway Board vide letter No.E(MPP) 98/3/8, dated 22.06.1998.
Mode No. Description Duration
RNG-1 Indian Railways General Information and Business Environment, Fire Fighting Hygiene, First aid 2 Weeks
RNG-2 Basic of Electrical/mechanical Engineering Including Over Head Equipments in electrical Territory 2 Weeks
RNG-3 Familiarization with the lay out and working of various types of locos, sub-systems/sub Assemblies 6 Weeks
RNG-4 Familiarization with relevant aspect of coaches and wagons for tackling problems on run 2 Weeks
RNG-5 Locomotive operating instructions and trouble shooting 3 Weeks
RNG-6 Safety items of Loco and safety equipment provident to running staff and on loco 1 Week
RNG-7 Examination of Loco while turning out from Shed, taking over from previous crew including Familiarization with repair book, trip card, joint Guard and Loco Pilot report 2 Week
RNG-8 Transportation training at Zonal Training Centre 6 Weeks
RNG-9 Functioning of Shed Lobby/Crew booking Lobby 1 Week
RNG-10 Functioning of Control Office 1 Week
RNG-11 Learning road and foot plate train under Instructor’s supervision 2 Weeks
RNG-12 Learning road on foot plate train under Loco Inspectors supervision 8 weeks
RNG-13 Simulator Training 1 Week
RNG-14 Review and Examination 2 Week
Besides these the arduousness of the very nature of duty, uncertain duty hours for a longer time, and the long absence from family for a full life span and the responsibility attached to the post cannot be compared with Assistant Guard or that of lowest post in Central Government. The Assistant Loco Pilot placed on par with Assistant Guard in pay structure and Assistant Loco Pilot’s Grade pay was just Rs.100 more than the lowest post in Railways.
In past this was not the position of first Fireman/Assistant Loco Pilot in pay parity with others.
Period Assistant Loco Pilot/First Fireman Guard Assistant Guard
1st CPC Rs.75-105 Rs.60-170
3rd CPC Rs.290-350 Rs.290-400 Rs.225-270
1983 Cadre Restructuring Rs.290-350 Rs.330-530 Rs.225-270
4th CPC Rs.950-1500 Rs.1200-2040 Rs.950-1400
5th CPC Rs.3050-4590 Rs.4500-7000 Rs.3050-4590
6th CPC GP 1900 GP 2800 GP 1900
In every Pay Commission or cadre restructuring implemented, the Guard ‘C’ scale/pay has been steadily increased from the minimum pay of Rs.60 to Grade pay of Rs.2800, where as the Assistant Loco Pilot rose from Rs.75 to Grade pay of Rs.1900 only.
The lowest post in Railway also has increased gradually over the years.
Year Minimum of the scale of the lowest post Minimum of the scale of Assistant Loco Pilot
1st CPC Rs.30 Rs.75
IIIrd CPC Rs.196 Rs.290
IVth CPC Rs.750 Rs.950
Vth CPC Rs.2550 Rs.3050
VIth CPC GP 1800 GP 1900
No proportionate increase allowed to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot as allowed to lowest post in Railway by Pay Commission one after another. During the time of 1st, 2nd and 3rd CPC, direct recruitment to the post of Fireman/Assistant Loco Pilot was minimal. The qualification required at that time to fill those posts by promotions was “knowledge in using simple English”. Vast majority of Fireman/Assistant Loco Pilot were in steam Locos where very little technical knowledge was only expected from them other than hard manual labour. But prior to 4th CPC onwards Engineering Diploma holders and Graduates were directly recruited to the post of ALP. These ALPs were utilized in Diesel/Electric Traction where much higher technical skill to attend troubles, higher speed, load and number of signals demanding higher concentration are required.
Now 100% of the recruitment of Loco Running cadre is at the entry grade of ALPs with the same higher qualification for both direct recruits and GDCE entrants.
The change in recruitment qualification, nerve taxation due to sophisticated high powered Locos and major changes in speed, load, number of signals, requirements of attending failures enroute were not put before further CPCs by the Railway Board. This too kept the ALP pay scale/Grade Pay at its minimum.
Even though the recruitment qualifications was changed to SSLC ITI during 90’s, most of the candidates recruited by RRB’s to the post of ALPs are with higher educational qualification, considering the advanced micro processor controlled and thyrister locos where they have to be utilized.
Now Assistant Loco Pilot stands similar to lowest post and considerably pushed back from their similar position to Guard ‘C’.
It may please be noted that at the minimum of the 5th CPC Pay Scale for Assistant Loco Pilot, i.e. Rs.3050, the total pay as on 01.01.2006 comes to Rs.6460. Where as the Entry Pay in the Pay Band fixed as on 01.01.2006 for Assistant Loco Pilot with Grade Pay of Rs.1900 is Rs.5830 only according to section II of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, notified vide GSR No.643E dated 04.09.2008.
There is a reduction of Rs.630 in Basic pay alone with corresponding reduction in other allowances such as Dearness Allowance, HRA etc.
It is also their grievance that inspite of a higher recruitment qualification of Matriculation + ITI, with preference to Diploma in Engineering, 9 months intensive training before absorption, higher medical standard and high responsibility attach to the post than any post which carried a Pay Scale Rs.3050-4590, under 5th CPC as of ALP had been allowed with higher pay by the 6th CPC.
The following posts which carried a pay scale of Rs.3050-4590 as of ALP were upgraded by 6th CPC to Rs.4500-7000 with Grade Pay of Rs.2800.
The case of Assistant Class II in Calcutta mint under Ministry of Finance in pay scale of Rs.3050-4590 were upgraded to Rs.4500-7000 with a Grade Pay of Rs.2800.
Their initial pay band on 01.01.2006 will be Rs.8560 according to Section II of Railway Services (Revised pay) Rules in RBI with grade pay of Rs.2800, and the total pay will be 8560+2800=11,360/- where as the ALP will stand at 5830+1900=7730 as on 01.01.2006. A huge difference of Rs.3630 in the pay packet besides corresponding differences in DA, HRA etc.
Moreover thousands of posts which carried a scale of Rs.3050-4590 under various Ministries were upgraded to Rs.3200-4900, i.e. PBI+Rs.2000 as Grade Pay, which are:-
1. Constable under Home Ministry and Railway Ministry, CBI, RPF
2. Postmen under Department of Posts
3. Leading Fireman of firefighting force
4. Mail Guard in Railway Mail Service
5. Navik in Coast Guard
6. Assistant Class II in Govt. mint.
7. Notice server in Department of Revenue
8. Carpenter in film division
9. Forest guards
Their pay will be fixed in the pay band I at Rs.6460 with a Grade pay of Rs.2000, which comes to a total pay packet of Rs.8460, whereas ALP with a Pay Band of Rs.5830+GP Rs.1900 will come upto Rs.7730 only, lesser by Rs.700.
It may be noted that under the Central Government Service/Railway Service the categories which have an entry Grade Pay of Rs.1900, the percentage of posts in that grade is less than 15%. Where as in the Loco Running Cadre, i.e. Assistant Loco Pilot it is 40% and more of the total cadre strength. It may also be noted that out of the total ALP posts, a meager 30% posts are in Rs.4000-6000 (under 5th CPC) which were allowed with Pay Band 1 + Grade Pay of 2400. In this case also the entry pay in the revised pay for direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2006 will be fixed at Rs.7510 in PB 1 with a Grade Pay of Rs.2800, where as ALP with a Grade pay of 1900 in PB I never get the Entry Pay in Pay Band at Rs.7510 when promoted to Grade Pay of Rs.2400.
Apart from these the responsibility attached to the post of Assistant Loco Pilot, the job attribute, the arduousness in performing duty are almost similar to that of Loco Pilot. Considering these position the Railway Board upgraded the post of Assistant Loco Pilot in Rajadhani, Shatabdi express to co-pilots. The Running Allowance Committee 2002 after a detailed study recommended that the trains which are running at a speed of 100 KMPH and above the Assistant Loco Pilot posts on that trains should be upgraded to copilots. This may be conceded and implemented not only to see the enhancement of pay packet to ALP, but on safety in train operation. Effective assistance to be provided for such super fast train which runs continuously for hours together without a stop or relaxation to the crew.
Therefore the pay structure of Assistant Loco Pilot be modified suitably.
Assistant Loco Pilots
An additional allowance of Rs.500/1000 is allowed to Loco Pilot (Passenger) and Loco Pilot (Mail) respectively. The ALPs working in Passenger and Express trains too are facing the same working conditions and there is no valid ground to refuse the same and the same should be treated as pay for all purpose such as HRA, Running allowance and retirement benefits etc. Accordingly the definition of Basic Pay should include the additional allowances too.
It is a self explanatory, how the erosion in Pay and wage per hour is slowly being taken place in compare to Non-Running Staff.
Prior to VIth CPC
Non-Running Staff Running Staff (ALP)
3050 x 1.86 = 5673 Rs. 3050x2.118=6459.9 (6460) Rs.
So difference was 787 Rs. i.e. 787 x 100/5673 = 13.87% more
After VIth CPC implementation
5673 + 1900 = 7573 Rs. 6460 + 1900 = 6459.9 (6460) Rs.
So difference is 787 Rs.i.e. loss in % is 787 x 100/7573 = 10.39%
So loss in % is 13.87 – 10.39 – 3.48% All the loss in % is in even after getting 30% running allowance (Pay element) benefit. It is sufficient to prove is that thee is deprival of pay.
Hourly wage reduction in comparison to non-Running Staff.
Non Rg. Staff per hour wages is ALP per wages is
3050 x 1.86+1900 = 7573 Rs. 3050x2.118=8360/- Rs.
Duty hours/months – 176 hrs. D/hrs/month – 208 hrs.
So per hour wages is 7573/176 = 43.02 Rs. & 8360/208 = 40.19 Rs.
So loss of Rs.(43.02 – 40.19) is Rs.2.83/hr.
For equality in pay 43.02x208 = 8948.16 Rs. But received Rs.8360 so loss pay is Rs.588.16 i.e. 588.16 x 100/8948.16 = 6.57% loss.
For injustice happened in 6th pay commission all over India assistant loco pilots have taken steps to express their problem to the Railway Board and to the government of India as follows:
1. Presentation through telegrams to the following officials on 15th and 16th Sep 08
A. President of India
B. Prime Minister of India
C. Minister of Railways
D. Minster of Finance
E. Chairman Railway Board
F. Railway standing committee chairman
G. Member electrical
H. Member Mechanical
I. Member staff
J. General secretary NFIR
K. General Secretary AIRF
L. Secretary General AILRSA
2. All India Assistant Loco Pilots Zonal meet with 5 Zones at Bilaspur on 14th Sep 08
3. Depot level Dharnas on 19th Sep 08
4. Pamplet Distribution of 20th Sep 08
5. Representation through joint memorandum to the officials mentioned under Sl.No.1 on dt.12th Oct 08
6. Continuous wearing of Black Badges from 2nd Nov 08
7. All India Assistant Loco Pilots Zonal Meet at Nagpur on 7th Nov 08
8. GM Office Dharna on 11th Nov 08
9. All India Assistant Loco Pilots Delegate conference at Delhi on 18th Nov 08
10. Reminder Telegram Messages to the concerned officials referred in Sl.No.1 on 1st Dec 08
11. Pamplet Distributions on 16th Dec 08
12. All India Assistant Loco Pilots Zonal Meet at Vijayawada at on 20th Dec 08
13. 30 Hrs. hunger fast program at DRM office on 29th and 30th Dec 08
14. Mass NH on 26th Jan 09 is deferred for Rail Bhavan Dharna on 6th Feb 09
15. On 6th Feb.09, Dharna at NEW DELHI
Why ALP Protest Against VI CPC

Cartoons of ALP

from I to VI CPC
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